Am I Beautiful?
I didn’t grew up believing I was beautiful
It wasn’t that anyone ever called me ugly
I just didn’t think of myself as beautiful
Instead I grew up comparing my body
To what I perceived the ‘perfect’ dancer’s body should look like
I wished that I had the ‘prefect’ dancers feet
That my calf muscles were not so big
And my upper arms a little but more slender
I thought that beauty was what you looked like
And I did not look like the perfect models
And dancers I compared myself too
So I did not see my beauty
For a very long time
Now as I approach forty I see beauty every where and in everything
True beauty resonates at the frequency of LOVE
And because I choose LOVE and I know that I AM LOVE
My life is FULL of beauty
Everywhere I turn
When I look in the mirror
I see beauty shining back at me
From the twinkle in my eyes
To the fresh grey hair sprouting from my head
My beauty shines from the inside out
When you walk through this life seeing through the eyes of the divine. Beauty is in all things and every where at all times.
You are not just beautiful friend, you ARE BEAUTY!
Rest in that now. Rest in that xo