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Experience a powerful shift in Consciousness that will change the way you see money FOREVER
The reason why it feels so terrible to experience lack is because it goes against the very Truth of who you are.
Abundance is the Truth. Lack is an illusion.
That’s why it can be extremely frustrating to continue to experience ‘apparent’ lack showing up in your 3D reality, when you know, that you know, that you know, that you are an infinitely abundant being.
If yes, please read on!
👉 I can’t guarantee you ‘6-figure pay days’, or “Make a million in a month”, but I can guarantee you something far more life changing than that.
✨ When you make the shift from energizing the illusion of lack, to knowing with every fiber of your being that YOU ARE ABUNDANCE, your life changes forever.
❤️ No more worrying about money
❤️ No more roller coaster emotions
❤️ No more stress and suffering
I want you to know, this is NOT a magic pill. This is NOT a marketing trick.
This experience goes beyond tools and techniques for your ‘human’ to play with. It goes beyond positive affirmations, beyond healing your subconscious mind, beyond healing techniques and goes straight to the origin of the Truth of Who You ARE.
When you are devoted to the practice of remembering the truth of who you are, again and again and again, your internal experience of your life will change forever.
And once your internal reality changes, you’ll notice that things ‘on the outside’ naturally shift in curious, unexpected and beautiful ways.
SPOILER - I cannot guarantee any specific ‘external’ results for you (neither can anyone by the way, that’s one of the biggest illusions out there).
Your personal experience of breaking free from the illusion of lack will be as unique as you are, BUT what I do know is that, NO MATTER what is happening in your external reality it’s possible for you to experience unshakable peace, groundedness and happiness as your resting state of being
Using the information and consciousness shifts shared during this incredible training, you will reach the point of no return where believing in lack is simply no longer possible. The amount of TIME this shift takes to stabilize will be different for each and every one who chooses to participate
Once the awareness that there is no such thing as lack is fully embodied in your experience you will enjoy feelings of ease, relaxation and openness, not only around abundance, but all areas of your life. You will experience a quiet acceptance of what is, no matter what appears to be rising or falling inside or outside of you.
Over 5 hours of paradigm shifting content split into x5 60 min sessions
❤️ Session 1 Who do you think you are?
❤️ Session 2 - Beyond Appreciation
❤️ Session 3 - Full Feeling = Full Freedom
❤️ Session 4 - The END of Separation
❤️ Session 5 - Breathe your Abundance
Here’s the thing, There is a point in awakening where the illusion of a separate self dissolves. You realize through direct experience, that you are consciousness itself waking up to itself as the expanded, whole, united consciousness that YOU ARE
There is no YOU in the way that you once believed yourself to exist
And so there comes a choice
1. To keep playing and acting from the illusion of a separate self to 'go after' your goals and dreams as if you, the small separate self is the one 'achieving' them
2. To remember the truth of who you are and anchor into your infinitely abundant Self as your true HOME. To dance in delight at each moment as all barriers to the love and abundance that you truly are dissolve. And you get to be delighted and curious as consciousness itself delivers to you what is perfect for you and your unique experience and so much more
Here’s what other’s are saying …
“Ohmygoodness the impact of the 3rd session, Full Freedom = Full Freedom!! I am embracing my world with such a different view. It is absolutely incredible. Thank you thank you thank you.”
Anne, US.
“Magical. What you are sharing is divine wisdom that really calms the nervous system down and expands the heart. Truly ✨”
Nathalie, Canada
“An amazing experience!”
Isaya, Denmark
“The most amazing generous leading-edge wisdom - thank you for allowing yourself to be magnificence itself Fiona!”
Priti, UK
There are no upcoming events at this time.