Desires Fulfilled

21 day game of deLIGHT


Hello beautiful Soul! I have a question for you …

💖 Do you have a desire that you've been longing to fulfil but you haven't quite manifested it yet?

💖 Maybe you've had this desire in your heart or the back of your mind for a while now, years even, but you haven't made it a priority to actually go for it? 

💖 Maybe this desire feels real close, like you can almost touch it, but you're still not sure HOW you're going to make it happen?

💖 Maybe part of you REALLY wants it, but the doubt and the fear of being disappointed AGAIN is stopping you from looking your desire in the eye and truly claiming it 

💖 Maybe your desire, or time, or money, feels like it has power OVER YOU and you're now ready to place the power back in its rightful place, inside YOU

I just want you to know, I get it, I GET ALL OF IT! 

I truly do. I've been there. I'm STILL there in certain parts of my life...

Allowing ourselves to actually manifest and receive our desires as we expand more and more into the Truth of who we are and what's possible for us is a PROCESS. It takes time AND, at the same time, it can take no time at all ... oh the irony of manifestation

Yesterday I had an inspired idea and want to share it with YOU

"Desires Fulfilled" - A 21 day game of deLIGHT 

Here's what it looks like... 

1. Choose a desire to focus on 

2. Commit to 7 mins every day for 21 days embodying and breathing that desire into form 'as if it's already done" 

3. Play with the energy of delight and joyful expectation every day for 21 days

4. Take an inspired action every day as guided by your intuition/inner being

I will create a space in Telegram (messaging App) and support you through the whole process with a 7 min audio each day for 21 days.


It’ll be simple. Non cluttered. 

This is the energy that I'm birthing from ...

Picture this - It's Christmas Eve, you're 6 years old and sat in front of the Christmas tree. Your eyes are wide with delight and possibility. The excitement is running through you're whole body making you wiggle and giggle as you imagine Santa and the reindeers and all the presents being delivered to all the children. Inside your heart is a powerful feeling of expectation, that what you desire not only is coming, but it's HERE and all you have to do is try and sleep the whole night through so that you're ready to receive your gift tomorrow! 

If this feels like a fun way to move through the holiday season and into January, sign up on the link below… it’s FREE, so what do you have to lose?

I do have ONE request in return for this offering … that you only sign up if you’re ALL IN. I only work with leaders… sovereign beings that don’t need to be told what to do, but are Self-led and show up for themselves and take accountability for their results.

If that’s you, jump in and let’s PLAY

I’m am so excited to see what we can create together 🐬

LOVE Fiona xo