What if JOY was the answer?

What if we had it all wrong

What if we’ve been trying to fit ourselves into a box that we are WAY too big for

What if our true nature knows nothing of struggle and stress

What then?

Who would you be if you no longer had to struggle daily to earn money doing a job you dislike

Who would you be if you were no weighed down by the thoughts of ‘not good enough’ or  “I can’t do that’ or the feeling that you are disappointing others?

Who would you be if your soul purpose in life was to love, be nourished and be creative

How would you feel

What would you be doing 

Where would you be

You see when we put down the expectations of others

When we release the need for life to look a certain way

Life just IS and we are free to be curious, explore and play

Life really is one big playground and we are creating it all whether we are conscious of  of it or not

So why not start creating life from a place of JOY

Why not make how you feel the most important goal of your day

Why not make gratitude and appreciation the foundation of your creations

You see, the more you tend to your frequency

The more you teach your body what it feels like to feel good

The more you start creating life from a place of JOY

And when you move through life in JOY you are FREE

Follow these 3 simple steps every day and watch as more JOY naturally begins to flow through you and be expressed in your life

1. Drink More Water - Water moves JOY around our body. When we are dehydrated we are literally stopping the flow of joy in our lives

2. Do more of what you LOVE. Just go do it! Dance, run, sing, hang out with friends. What ever makes your heart sing, give yourself permission to do more of it

3. Appreciate everything! The good, the bad, all of it. There is ALWAY something to appreciate even at the most toughest of times

These 3 simple steps change your body chemistry, re-wire your brain and raise your frequency

It really is that simple. Not always easy, but simple

Now go EnJOY!!

Love Fiona 

Fiona Black