5 Secrets to achieving your goals

We’ve all done it. Set goals in our personal life and business and not achieved them.

When we keep not achieving our goals, it can lead to serious mistrust and doubt in ourself and the path we have chosen.

But what if achieving your goals has nothing to do with being good enough, motivated enough or skilled enough?

What if the biggest block between you and the results you want to achieve is the energy and awareness from which you are setting your goals from? 

Here’s the thing, stuff happens ALL that time to get in the way between you and your achievements. Kids get sick and have to be picked up from school, the roof leaks and you have to spend your savings on repairs, your car breaks down. The list goes on.

Every time we up level and try to change, you can actually expect something to show up that throws you off course. It doesn't mean that you are on the wrong path, that you are a bad person or that your goal is unachievable. 

When we get thrown off course it’s wise to stop, rest and course correct where needed. But if your goal is truly a desire from your heart and soul, don’t give up. Don’t stop. Pick yourself up and keep going. 

Following these 5 steps is a great way to get back on track with your goals and to also ensure that the goals you are creating are achievable and aligned to your Truth:

1. Create a Powerful WHY - The reason you do what you do has to be powerful enough to keep you going no matter what. Your WHY must be born from the heart AND satisfy the ego. 

2. Set goals that are clear, bite-sized and time specific.  If you are too vague, give yourself too much time, or not enough time, you won’t achieve your goal because they are not well defined.

3. Expect Resistance - when ever you grow, you move out of your comfort zone and your ego responds with resistance. If you are prepared for the possibility of drama, sick-ness, roof leaks, or what ever else appears, it no longer becomes an excuse to stop you reaching your goal. Resistance becomes positive feedback that you are, in fact, stepping out of your comfort zone and expanding. 

4. Create space in your calendar - if it’s not in your calendar, it won’t happen. If you have a set time to take the action you know you need to take, you create a habit and you are much more likely to succeed.

5. Dangle a carrot for your ego - give yourself the promise of something that really inspires and motivates you. Obsess a little about the holiday, the new jacket, the house, the massage that you are going to allow yourself to have once you attain your goal. 

BONUS - Make yourself accountable! Find yourself an accountability partner. Someone you love and trust that can help you see through your resistance and be a cheerleader to help you keep going.

We have the whole year ahead of us. 2020 feels like a powerful time to commit to building the future we really want to create! What goal would you like to achieve over the next 6 months that if you attained it would completely change your life?

If you want more support or guidance to help you achieve the goals in your business that have been illusive up until now, reach out for a free Breakthrough Call.  Let’s see if the support I provide is the right fit for you.


In love and service,

Fiona xo

Fiona Black