Don't Wait


What if you don't have to wait until your kids are older to love and care for yourself in the way that you need right now?

What if it was possible to be your best self in the midst of the 'busy years' with children? How would that feel?

What would you do differently, how would you BE different if you put your own needs and desires at the forefront now? And that by doing so, you not only improve your relationship with yourself, you improve your connection to your children, your spouse, your family, your friends?

I used to think I had to delay my needs until my girls were a certain age. I used to think that I would get back in shape when the girls were older. I used to think I would care for myself better once the girls were both at school. These thoughts were so painful to me! I felt trapped. My creativity and expression stifled. And I realized that none of these thoughts were true. None of them!!

What beliefs are you believing that are stopping yourself from being the best version of yourself now? I would love to know.

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