Say Yes To Yourself
Do you constantly have a knot in your stomach because you are afraid of hurting other people's feelings?
Do you find yourself waking up at night in a panic because you worry about what other people think or if something you said offended some one?
Do you tip toe around certain relationships because you are afraid of upsetting some one or 'making waves' if you were to express what you truly thought?
Are you afraid of losing relationships if you do not react and respond in the way that the other person expects you too?
How does it make you feel to live this way? To constantly have to monitor the way you are being in order to fit in to the different relationships in your life?
I'll tell you how it made me feel. I felt exhausted. I felt like I was trying to please every one but failing. I felt like I was chasing my own tail. I could not relax. It was hard to let go of the hamster wheel of the stories going round and round in my head.
Here's the thing. There is another way. There is a way that you can be your own self-authorized being without fear of harming someone else. Free to say YES! Free to say NO! Free to listen to your heart. Your gut. And move away from relationships and situations that no longer feel healthy and good and free to move towards those that do. Free to be authentically who you are without fear of offending others. Free to experience true freedom in relationships because you know deep in your heart that a person's reactions are never about you. This feels like peace. It feels like acceptance. It feels like home.
If you are drawn to explore this other way.